Our key stage 1 chocolate workshops are a carefully crafted blend of fun and education to keep young children constantly engaged whilst learning at the same time. They are extremely interactive, tactile and well-paced so the children have plenty of time to see, touch and taste what we bring along.
The children are involved in role play, two practical chocolate making sessions as well learning all about this wonderful and exciting product.
They will learn what chocolate is made from and that it all starts from a fruit tree, what chocolate was like when it first started to be made (it was a cold spicy drink!), whether chocolate is good or bad for them and of course they’ll each make chocolates too – a chocolate lollipop with an edible pattern and a moulded product! They’ll have lots of ingredients to use to make their chocolate treats mouth-wateringly tasty and attractive!
In fact, the amount they’ll learn in the course of an interactive chocolate workshop often surprises even the most experienced teachers:

We think it’s important to bring a topic to life so the children get to see and touch real cocoa pods (the fruit of the cocoa tree), real cocoa beans (the seed of the cocoa tree) and taste a little bit of cocoa nib (the inside of the cocoa bean). They may not like it, but at least they’ll have tried it!
We use proprietary teaching models that we’ve developed over many years to reinforce key points and to help with learning retention. Children love learning when they’re having fun, so we ensure they do. But tucked away in that bundle of fun is a carefully constructed teaching plan – a somewhat cunning yet highly effective way to engage and educate using a universally loved product.
Even though we’d rather children actually eat less chocolate than more, we know they’ll still eat it, so we also teach the children about some of the more important health aspects of chocolate. In a simple but highly effective way for this age group, the children will quickly grasp the significance of what they see and touch.
And just like the chocolate workshops we run for older children, the children are constantly being asked questions to recap and reinforce important aspects of what they are learning.
Project-based learning for Key Stage 1 children
We run our interactive educational chocolate workshops at your school – we always come to you, as this is far more convenient for you than traipsing up and down a motorway with a coach full of children asking “are we there yet!”.
That doesn’t mean our workshops are light on content, quite the opposite, they’re content rich and packed full of interesting and engaging material that keep the minds of children actively focused.
Running an educational chocolate workshop at your school, has several important advantages too:
- We can run them in a focused way without commercial distractions
- The children are in a familiar and professional learning environment
- It’s more cost effective for you
- It’s more convenient for you
Teachers already know that project-based learning is a dynamic and highly effective classroom teaching strategy. However, chocolate is a very complicated and broad topic area to master as you need to immerse yourself in 3,000 years of fact, fiction and history – so that’s exactly what we’ve done!
With 9 years’ experience teaching Key Stage 1 & 2 children, and over 25,000 children taught to date, we must be doing something right! But don’t just take our word for it, take a look below at a small selection of the wonderful feedback we’ve received from teachers.
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